14 January 2007

Very Brave indeed

Talked with Simone from JT last night. It was good to see him and to hear his excitment for my return as well. He is happy for me that I am back and taking yet another risk.

I mentioned to him how most of my close friends are in serious relationships or ready to be proposed to or living in the city, Chicago, working constantly trying to survive. (Not all of my Chicagoing friends). He asked me so are "you feeling left out that you aren't getting married". I said oh god no!

There is too much in my life that I am pursuing that if I was planning or striving to walk down the aisle I would have been stuck in a cubicle like job. Why regret the experiences you have made for yourself?? As my close friend once said, you always follow your heart. I believe I do and I am never saying "I wish I did that, I could have down that, I should have done that". Why live your life in that way? How are you ever supposed to find your true self?? This is my opinion completely so don't think I am trying to put down anyone.

My friend Lapo struck up a conversation at MC last night about why I came back, what I want to do, what I did back in the States. It was good to hear his response when I said;

"I quit my job and came right back here to do what I want and find out for myself if I could do it again."

"You are very brave, Katie" he replied.

"Yes, yes I am Lapo." I smiled.

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