09 January 2007

Met up with friends, carolina e maria are so cute!

Sunday night I went out for a walk around Firenze given I haven't the house since I arrived in Firenze. So I walked and walked and walked. It was a little misty out. Good thing I had a hood. :-) All the Christmas lights are along each street in the main center. The Christmas tree is still lit in Piazza Repubblica. I have never seen Florence like this. Everything is coming back to me now, where a certian ristorante I used to go to all the time, certain bars I try to avoid, then I ran into my favorite bar(ok not my favorite, JT) but one of mine, Michael Collins. I walked around the corner and entered the Piazza Signoria. Like breath of fresh air, Hello Firenze!!! My Favorite Piazza by far!! I walked up to the pub and who do I see sitting outside, Mike aka Pitto aka Michelangelo. He looks at me wide-eyed, Che c'e` Come va?? What are you doing here???

I came back, I said as we embraced.

Alessio was in the bar as well, looked thru the bar window and was very happy to see me too. What a great feeling, Being remembered and thankful for your return. There is something about coming back to a country, not your own, and being remembered by close friends. Mike kept saying how I brought back so many memeories and he is so glad to see me again. You couldn't ask for a better welcome.

OK, now onto my family, Carolina is 4 e Maria e 2. Both are very sweet but also have their moments. I am taking my lead from Valentina, I will be her shadow this whole month and learn the routine of the morning and the afternoon. It is a new and exciting experience. Living with a foreign family has its differences for sure. Different ways of washing clothes, dishes, cleaning. But I love trying new things and exploring myself in the process. I am capable of anything if I put my mind to it. So I am going to keep my head up and start a new with a smile on my face, just like my MOM!! Che sara, sara whatever will be, will be. No need to worry about the future yet. It is still the present. One day at a time, that is all I'm doing.

a presto


Anonymous said...

As my friend of a few years now...I must say that I am more proud of you now than I have ever been. You have never stopped following your dreams and you are an inspiration for all. I am so happy for you. You are going to have the time of your life. Euripides once said "The wisest men follow their own direction." Katerina...you are following your own direction and I am so lucky to have a friend like you. I will be thinking of you often...especially when I am eating pasta and drinking wine. -M.R.H.

Anonymous said...

As a new friend, I second what the old friend said. Follow your bliss, girlfriend. :-)