Sono A FIRENZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ciao Amici.....I have arrived. Sorry it took so long. I was in the country for a few days with the family and now I am with this wonderful family in FIRENZE. I have been in the country nearby San Casiano dei Bagni. In the most quietest place on earth. Took a scenic route to Firenze with Valentina and the lovely girls, Maria e Carolina. Perfetto. I feel I have made the right choice to come and live with an Italian Family to constantly hear italian, and also to enjoy exploring my life, my passions, my hopes, and of course my dreams.
Thus begins a year of exploration and excitement!!
Bene bene! sei "a" firenze (instead of "in") :-)http:
Auguri, sono proprio contenta per te! :)
I'll probably be there this week to see my friend Melinda, will let you know!!! We'll grab a gelato.
Congrats on the great family!!
Ciao! E benvenuta in Italia... sono sicuro che ti troverai benissimo! Soprattutto in Toscana, che è una delle mie regioni preferite (anche se non ci abito).
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