Internet issues have been resolved
I am now online at casa di Orzalesi!! Finally! It was a simple process Guido and I had to synch. YEAH!! Anyways, here is the story so far....I spoke of the driving lessons before, well here we go.Valentina really wants me to try to get comfortable on the road, although it is a new experience for me because I am manual driver expert aka stick shift expert. I know how to drive, driving in American problem. Driving in Italian traffic, a little different but mostly the same. I.e. huge buses coming out of nowhere, motorinos speeding past on my right my left, right, left, and overall manuvering the car in and out of "lanes". And what they call lanes, is the Viale or Via or THE ENTIRE ROAD!!! Yea there are no such thing as lanes unless you are on the autostrada. But in the Viale on which I will drive to and from the school isn't too bad to manuver and sure I stalled a few times in traffic because I am not like I said before a manual driver expert. One challenge at a time....please. I know I will do my best when asked to. I will put forth the effort to chaffuer her children to and from school. All my best. That is all I can give. I hate to not please someone when asked to perform a duty of any kind, let it be my mom,nana, dad,sister, brother, and of course my boss, which I don't think of Valentina or Guido as my boss, we are becoming more like family. She is just fabulous! Great role model! Assertive, kind, calm, and very me....well......kind of like me.
On to scuola, it is going well, I have made a few friends here and there within school but I try to steer clear of the Americans or english speaking students, they just make me speak english and I DON'T WANT TO!!! That said, I made a friend named Leon, he is from NY, lives in Prato, and is very homosexual. He is in love with an italian. He is very sweet and constantly makes me laugh in class. Now that I found him, I am stuck with him, even though he speaks English. Class is going well, just when I think I have got the language down, there is another verb tense, imperfetto or passato prossima put together when an action is interrupted.....blah blah other words, TODAY, I was and still am totally confused. Oh well. It is a stepping stone. I can conjugate verbs from past to present to future just great....although I still need to speak more.
Friends a plenty from Tina in Perugia, to my new Irish friend Theresa, to my fabulous Italian friends. I have become a regular at Kareoke every Sunday night with my friends at Michael Collins. I sing, we sing together, I sing,Ale e I sing together. It is soooo much fun!!! I have reunited or I guess connected with Bec, she is the aussie that is an au pair as well. I hope to meetup with her after my weekend in Perugia with Tina.
Domani e l'altro giorno!!
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