12 December 2006

Saying Goodbye and Benvenuto at the Same Time

Mike, one of the counselors that works in my office, said the sweetest thing to me today. It was his last day of the year because he is taking some time off to spend with his family, so this way the last day I had the pleasure of seeing him in the office. Greeting me with ever popular, "Hey Kiddo," I was sure going to miss him. He has a way with words. He is very wise and helpful whenever I needed a hand. He then informed he was thinking of me the other day. I was curious why he would be thinking about me. The lowly receptionist. HA! He explained to me about these videos his children used to watch that would take the children on the video to a different country like in a magic school bus. And the character would say at the beginning of the travel abroad, "LET'S GO TO ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!" So he thought of me. How nice huh? I can't believe how many people say "I thought of you last night, cuz there was a house on HGTV that was in Florence."

It is amazing the power of friends and the support of friends and family.

I also had another greeting of my fate the other day. A student came in talking about a class and mentioned subtley that she was going abroad. But she brushed by it, cuz she was had a question on a class. Like me, I bluntly asked where are going? She replied to the city. NO, I mean where abroad will you be?

She said she will visit her family in Russia and then venture to Florence, Italy for a semester. OK..this is about the 8th person that has come into the office to tell me that they are going to Florence!!!!!!!!!! THIS HAS TO BE FATE!!!!! MY NONNA AND GREAT GRANDPA ARE HOLDING UP A CAPTAIN OBVIOUS SIGN OVER MY HEAD RIGHT NOW AREN'T THEY???

She was just as surprised as I was, that I am going to the exact place she wants to study.

I think the stars about about to a line for me. Benvenuta la mia Firenze. I'm circling the neighborhood.

21 DAYS.....Firenze, I'm coming home.....

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