03 July 2007

Many Blessings

My friend Joan (above) has arrived in Firenze, this time while I am here as well. Italia is how we connected originally back in 2002. It is great to have her here and show her all the places that connect us.
Yesterday I have Maria all to myself for the afternoon. She is so cute and sweet....my buddy. I am trying desperately to add these videos I took but it is taking so long on Youtube.....I will let you know when I get them up on the Blog.

I have been taking everything in stride this week. Today I took the bike to mended because the brakes were failing. I think went to my favorite tabacchi shop on the Arno, where I always buy my bus tickets and stamps for the states. I walked in and saw a man I have never seen in the shop but I started my request anyways:

"Posso comprare un multi-plo biglietto per l'autobus, e anche cinque francobolli per mandare Stati Uniti?"

"Perfetto Italiana!!" lui detto. I was very happy.

I said in a way I was comfortable and it was natural. WHOO HOOO!!!

"It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me nooowwww...." sorry to break out in Meatloaf.

I am currently in the avanzata classe in Giorgia La Pira. Don't know how but I am....I am learning more and more everyday and I hope to keep it going once I return.

I am blessed to have been involved with such a great family. Everyone let me know of the terror and horror stories that can be had in this type of experience but alas I have totally lucked out.

I know I have sad ill things of the aforementioned family, but that comes with the job. Not that these things are true, but it is a JOB. You can't like everything about any job.

I think knowing I have more contacts here makes me even more excited about coming back. Whenever that may be....this is what is great about life, you can be in one part of world one second and the other back home in your OWN BED! I am going to leave this post with a great quote, one(becuz I have so many) of my favorites...

The way you activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped. All too often people fail to focus their choices upon results, and therefore their choices are ineffective. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.
--Robert Fritz


Anonymous said...

You are such a inspirational person and more importantly my Blue Eyes, my special daughter.

Love ya Kates,
Ur Dad

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Italian, and thanks for that quote. How inspiring as I myself am making some choices..

Anonymous said...

Ciao Katerina! I live in Atlanta...and as far as choices, looking for and accepting the right job for me and moving, etc. Frustrating and slow...and I am praying I don't have to go back to waitressing!!!