07 July 2007

Italy and me

I have been constantly thinking about family these past few weeks. It makes me me wonder why I keep leaving them.

Italy has made me who I am today, has made me conquer feats I never thought of achieving. A place where I meet people all over the world, old and new, come in and out of my life while I am living here. I find that even if you get annoyed with your parents, family, you will inevitably end up wanting to come home with open arms.

It makes me sad to say that I have chosen a departure date. I know I have many expats here that I still haven't met, I hope to be in touch. These past few posts probably have given you a feeling that I have been wanting to go home. But on the other hand, I have done more than I thought I would being here. I shouldn't be feeling sad about leaving....all I am upset about is my Italian. That is the one thing that I feel I can strive better at. I'm such a perfectionist. So this is going to be long process.

Last night was Coast2Coast at Joshua Tree, it was a blast. I felt comfortable in my surrounding of Italians, friends, and random drunk people. I looked around this bar and looked at my Beer stein full of Wiekse Witte beer, and thought to myself, wow....drinking is getting soooo boring. It is fun to be around friends in a bar atmosphere, but looking at my 5th beer, not being drunk, I was content with the fact that I can not do this much longer.

Another common theme throughout my friends are they all want some sort of transition. Paolo has never thought about taking another job away from the Joshua Tree, and when he was offered a few nights ago to work in the States, he was thinking deeply about it. Antonio wants to travel before he is to old to experience it. Simo wants to travel as well but is afraid he is too old now, being 33. RIGHT!!! Davide believes he can't do anything or try anything new because he is 31, I do not like his attitude.

Then there are my friends working their asses off for a purpose. Carlos is providing for his family and saving for a fantabulous hotel or B&B in Brazil. I admire him that he can work with such heart and drive. Raul made his wife move here with him so he can work on his music career. He works his ass off to make ends meet with his wife.

All these factors I take in account that I am actually quite lucky to be here and be able to be 26 and be in Italia. Not having to work hardcore, not paying rent, not in a job I hate...(ok well I'm almost done), I am lucky!! I have the capabilities to achieve many things.

Today I am going to hang out at Michael Collins, hang out with friends, maybe even speak some italian....hahaha....ok

a presto


Anonymous said...

Hi there!
I was out surfing on internet and stumbled over your blog. I am in the middle of looking for an aupait job in florence. i`ve been living there for 6 months studying but this time i`d like to be an aupair. do you have anu tips on where to find a family, how did you find yours? thanks a lot!

Roam2Rome said...


Uf, you have NOOOO idea how much I relate to this comment you just posted. Does your family support you with your move abroad? I know what you mean about wanting to live in Italy, but feel guilty about leaving family, yet hoping they welcome you with open arms when you come home.

Hmmm... the stuff of living abroad and expats :)