06 February 2007

Stop speaking Inglese back to me!!!

I went to JJ Cathedral yesterday instead of going to class. It was a long weekend and I needed a day for myself. I decided I like JJ during the day because it is not as crowded and it quiet. I greeted Yvonne and Dany with a "Ciao and Buon Giorno" and then sat down to do my homework I didn't do. I worked on the verb tenses and looking up the verbs I use the most so I work them into my speaking Italian.

Dany then snuck up behind me looking at what I am doing, "I am really trying to learn." I said with a nervous look.

"Why don't you speak Italian more?" He asked, like I haven't been trying.

"Tu, Lapo, e Raul parlano sempre inglese con me!!!" I hate that! I speak Italian(or broken Italian and English) and they reply in INGLESE!!!!!!! And that is why my Italian will never get better.

"Ok sempre parlano Italiano con te!" he said with a smile.

Finally, someone will listen to me. NO MORE INGLESE FOR ME!!!! SEMPRE ITALIANO!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok va bene. ti lascio commenti sempre in italiano.

non dimenticare gli esercizi che ti ho suggerito con i verbi... ti aiuteranno molto!

io parlo
tu parli
lei parla
noi parliamo
voi parlate
loro parlano

un bel modo di ricordare tutto, e ricordare che i verbi finiscono sempre nello stesso modo...
o, i, a, amo, ate, ano...

Sei brava, cara amica!!!