01 July 2006

Nana and I

My Nana is my best friend. We had our weekly chat by the pool today. I enjoy her company so much. She is the reason I am tied to Italia. She was born in a little town called Farnetta outside of Modena. She loves to reminise with me and describe the lunches her Mom and Aunt used to make for her when she very young. Nana smiles while telling me about all the fresh flowers her Mom grew all around her house. She says, "You are so much like my mother. You both love flowers and love to cook." In a way I am like you as well Nana. She is a terrific cook. Nana can make any pasta dish from memory. Let it be from her mother or a recipe her grandma used to make, she remembers it all. She hardly ever looks at her old recipes. I am so lucky to have my Nana in my life.

Today we talked more about my personal life. She says, "Katie, I married way too young, I am like you, I wish I could have experienced more and traveled more.
I was an adventurous girl but I couldn't do any of that after I got married. Oh to be young again!" She expresses with a smile.

Then she brings up my Italian beau, that I honestly can't get out of my head. I met him last summer while I was studying. I definitely felt the tingles when we hung out and I know we had a connection. A girl knows when a guy has feelings for her.

"You must go back and tell him". Nana says with a smile. "He needs to know."

Yeah except that my beau and I are both afraid of getting hurt and very stubborn. Not a good combination is it? I wonder who will make the first move......

1 comment:

katerinafiore said...

I just want to get back so we can get to know each other even more. He knows I still like him, I'm sure. We talk on msn messenger while he is at work and I am about to leave in the morning. :-) He is so sweet but just scared. I hope when I go back in January we can pick up where we left off. I'm crossing my fingers....haha!

Thanks Tina!