16 July 2006

I sent it!

Yesterday, I sent the letters to the Comune's of my great-grandparents to obtain their birth certificates. It took a while but I did it. The post office in my town didn't have the IRCs so I had to travel to another town. Well now we will wait and see if they will send me copies or the copies of the originals so I can go to the consulate and finalize this.

Cross your fingers for me!!


Kim/Thomas said...

Hey there, I rec'd the same message from that guy, what an interesting fellow!

I clicked on your comment you sent, cause I thought it was interesting...and low and behold..you are from crystal lake!! I moved 10 years ago from Richmond, IL and I worked in Woodstock, IL.....I'm sure you know where those places are:) small world huh?? and my brother lives in Cary, IL..

Great blog, I just read quick but will save your site!...good luck on moving to Italy, you too, are a brave young girl, to move to another country!!

just a question, because your parents or granparents are from Italy, you can get citizenship? My mom is 100% german, born and raised there, would that be somehting I could do?? I never thought of it, but its intersting!

take care and ciou!

Kim/Thomas said...



the first link, read the dear mary poppins post, maybe you would be interested in that:) maybe not, but anyway, this girl is way cool and very trustworthy!

her blog is interesting, and when I read yours, I immediately thought of Nik....

ciou, kim