I am moving...
Moving on up....to WORDPRESS. I need a change of scenery. Here is my new link:
Olio di Oliva e Sogni di Vino
I hope you like it!!! Ci vediamo!
My love of everything, anything Italian started back in Spring 2002. I am going to live my dream by moving to Italy in January 2007. I hope to inspire other people to follow their hearts to a place so magical and divine. This is the ride of my lifetime, jump on if you dare...
Moving on up....to WORDPRESS. I need a change of scenery. Here is my new link:
Olio di Oliva e Sogni di Vino
I hope you like it!!! Ci vediamo!
Posted by
12:03 AM
Since being back in Chicago for only a few weeks these are the things I have done:
-I have found temp job
-learned how to use ebay (thanks Tina)
-started working out again
-from learning about ebay, I acquired tango shoes
I was watching Oprah on the saddest day for our country, September 11th. I started to get into her show and grabbed some kleenex when it hit me, 'I can't be sad today something is out there I need to get it, whatever it is.' So I set off to the temp agency I work with. They were very happy to see me back asking all the questions everyone asks me when I return. I told her what I wanted and low and behold she had a perfect job for me: no stress, just putting numbers into the computer. I will take it please! See being a nanny is a real trying job at times so I decided to go the less stressful route and here I am making more money than my last job. WHOO HOO!!
I have started getting my fat ass back into the gym and I love it. I have energy and I feel great about myself.
I have learned how ebay works. I know it is an auction website, but I didn't actually think I would HAVE to buy something. HAHA! Yeah you can call me an idiot but it is true. The rumors are true. I bought a fancy pair of tango shoes to start my tangoing career. Yes you heard me, I am going to be a Tango Star!!! Well seriously I am going to start taking lessons downtown and meet new people. I want to be around like minds and if my good friend Tina is a tango dancer than I sure as hell want to be like her. The truth, Tina got me hooked on tango since I visited her quaint,picturesque citta of Perugia back in February. I tried taking lessons while living there but it was hard having an actual job. So now I am on my own again I have decided to take on new a hobby:
Posted by
10:26 PM
I have recently entered the world of my childhood and being away for 8 mos surely changes my outlook on life in the States.
-There is an obesity epidemic(does anyone else notice this?)
-People are loud when sober as well in public places
-There is WAY too much water in the toilet bowl
-My friends say things like, "I'm only free Mondays and Wednesdays". or "How does next month look for you?"
I sat in Panera Bread the other day working my new and improved resume, when I noticed two of the 3 mentioned above. People were way too large and way too loud. People were ordering large coffees(me included), large sandwiches, large everything.
I reminisced earlier this week about the sights and sounds I miss in Firenze.
-the sound of the cobblestones when I ride my bike
-the sound of the ambulance and polizia
-the 7 am bell of the Duomo(it woke me up every morning)
-the feeling when walking through MY citta!
-running into friends in the center
-always having a place to stop and visit
-friends inviting you at a drop of a hat out to dinner
I am glad to be home but these experiences will always be on my mind!
a presto
Posted by
3:57 PM
Quando tornato a nuovo?
2 Settimane....non ti preoccupare.
This has been my speech to all my friends....I have no words. I am not sad, I'm content. This life has given me the most incredible experiences a 26 year old could ask for. Good friends, good food, and good memories....I know it is a little sappy to say this but I seriously believe that Italia is inside me and I feel I will never leave it.
My heart is always thriving here. I can't be sad.
Tonight the gang and I are hitting up a well known aperitivo hang out si chiama ZOE. I am looking forward to stuffing my face once more. I can't get enough of aperitivos.
This will be my last post overseas. I am not shutting this blog down just cuz I am not in Firenze, so no worries.
Thanks for all the kind words from my favorite blogging friends. A presto, a dopo, ci vediamo a la prossimo, Firenze....io sono sempre qui!
See ya all stateside(whoever is stateside)
Posted by
9:35 AM
Labels: home life here going back, torno