I have met incredible, strong, fearless women since this journey began. I have yet to talk about all of the above strong, fearless women in my life. So I thought I should give you all some insight on these acquaintances, long-term friends, connections at first sight, bosses, and teachers.
I would like to start with the most recent encounter I had with Melinda, from Living in Florence. She and I have been trying to meet for up to 3 months now and FINALMENTE we met this past Sunday. She kindly invited me over for a cup of tea and banana bread and good conversation. She is a woman of many backgrounds and many experiences. She makes me want to persevere to the highest peak. Having the recent obstacles to leap over, she still presents herself with a great, big smile on her face. I love that! I can feel her strength and her “you can’t stop me now” attitude. I tried to absorb this vibe. She had a lot of insight on life, love and hardship. I took it all in. It is amazing how meeting a person for the first time can really get you into a mood. Like ‘I can conquer the world if I want to’ attitude, referring to my indecisiveness on staying past September. I let her know I will not stay for a guy, friends, or any job that is only a setback. She applauded that, ‘you need to stay for you.’ I agree. Alas here is my new friend Melinda, tower of strength and powered by determination.
My next friend and/or fabulous lady in my life is Danielle. I met this New Yorker back in February. She and Lauren were frequently attending the infamous Karaoke at Michael Collins where at the time had a reoccurring spot. She and I got to talking one night and I found out she was doing her Masters in Italian Literature and became quite intrigued by this petite lady. She is just 21 and acts very mature and sophisticated. I admire her drive, determination, and passion for life, her studies, and Italy. She is now one of my closest friends here. She is also a fabulous cook. I will never eat chick-peas without thinking of her.
And now onward to Tina. I think you all remember her because I am constantly thanking, referring to her in my posts. I met her in February as well. She came to Florence for a long weekend and met me for a nice casual dinner in San Niccolo. We hit it off from the start. She had this brush of energy when she walked into the room. I could definitely see how we got connected. We both have the same love of Italia, the same independent nature, and the same determination. I enjoyed immensely speaking with her about life, love, etc. She brought warmth to my heart and made me feel completely normal (o abnormal) for what I was doing here. No one has ever conquered this feat, so why not that one be me? Vero? To this day I constantly send her emails asking what she thinks I should do, just to get some feedback. I hope I have another chance in this life to see that fabulous, most helpful, ‘willing to put herself out there’ soul.
Francesca is a lovely girl who I met 2 years ago at a concert of my friend Giulio. She right away caught my eye. She was not like the other Italian women I have met prior. She came up to me and ask me my name. She was very kind, sweet, and very talkative, like me. She is the girlfriend of my other friend Iacopo, whom I love as well, and the two of them together I am in heaven. They are so welcoming and loving.
She is also a kindred spirit of mine. She and I had a nice glass of vino a few months back, and she was saying the exact thing I was thinking. She has the same views on life as me. Saying things like…You need to do what is best for you, no one else. You only live once. She is in this fabulous band leading them to stardom I think. She has such drive, passion for this music. I love her voice, just like her, strong, smooth, and changing always. I have many more years to learn so much from her.
My sisters are among a higher stature of superb greatness. Jen, being a mother, a friend, and a confidant, she knows how I feel about her in my life.
Emmy, a smart, strong, and beautiful woman she is these days. She has a lot coming her way, I hope all her dreams come true in this life that seems to be flying by.
My Nana has been talked about much in this blog. She has a spirit about her that makes me what to do anything. Because I can, I have the power and I have the strength to prevail. Thanks to you.
Last but not least, my Mom. She has been thru a lot with me wanting to constantly leave her. Although I have always returned, it is still hard for both of us. She has yet to tell me to come home….i am the one that keeps saying it. She always let me talk my thoughts out. She has trained me to love your family as much as yourself. There is nothing that substitutes family in this life. I can still be my own person with my family around me. For many years I always thought I had to be far away from home to be successful. I find that this is so untrue. I need constant support around me, always. Why not it be my family? Friends come and go but family is always there, thru thick and thin. How cheesy am I?!?!
I have a great admiration for all these women in my life. I am grateful for all that they share with me and thankful I have them to support me as well.