26....I am ok with it
Friday started my Birthday weekend. I met my good friend Francesca in Bologna and had a fabulous time. She took me around Bologna and went shopping. She is such an inspiration to me. I really love that girl! Her music is fantastica!! I am so proud of my friend and enjoyed talking more deeply with her about life, love, and passions.
I then headed back to Firenze on Saturday afternoon to get to my appointment to get an Amici carte so I can get into most of the museums in Firenze for free. After, I headed home to take a well deserved nap. I woke feeling refreshed and excited about my dinner with my good friends. It turned out to be a fabulous night. My great friend Simone came and sat next to me. We had a great chat with Daniella and her sister Alex. The pizza was very good. I enjoyed it very much!! Then we headed over to this trendy bar across from the ristorante for a drink. Then headed back to Michael Collins. Where Simone came and met us. It was perfect becuz I never see him out besides at his bar. I enjoyed his company and conversation very much! We all headed back to Daniella's house around 2 and stayed up talking, laughing, drinking, til about 4. It was a great nite and the next day was even better. Really low key, walking thru Santo Spirito, stopping at my friend Andrea at Leonardo's shoe shop. We had a great panino for lunch, and then heading back to Daniella's to watch a movie and nap, once again.
Then Daniella made a great dinner for me, eggplant parmigiano, insalata, and sausages, meatballs. YUM YUM!!! It was delicious and fabulous!! We then headed out again, to MC and hung out with Michelangelo. I had 2 drinks and I was done and DONE. Mike then took me home on his fabulous scooter. What a great friend he is....not just cuz he takes me home but he truly is a superb friend. Love ya Pitto!!